About Us
Welcome to The Incorporation of Gardeners of Glasgow, one of the fourteen Craft Guilds who form The Trades House of Glasgow. The Incorporation of Gardeners of Glasgow was founded about 1605 and its motto is “Gardening - The First of Arts”. It is a Scottish registered charity and supports horticultural awards and projects in Glasgow. Most of these awards and projects focus on education and community.

Aims & Objectives
The Incorporation of Gardeners of Glasgow aims to support charitable and good causes, particularly projects of an educational nature connected with horticulture, within the Glasgow City area. Our members particularly enjoy encouraging young people in their practical skills and fostering their enthusiasm for gardening.
The Incorporation has helped many projects, most recently Castlemilk High School, Horatio's Garden and Maggie's Centre at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital.
Applications for assistance are welcome and grants are made at the discretion of the Trustees. Please contact The Clerk for application forms.